SKU 60-10-60
Manufacturer Games Workshop
Availability Out of stock

Stormcast Eternals + Paint Set

Stormcast Eternals + Paint Set
Old price: £20.00 incl tax
Price: £18.00 incl tax

These 3 Stormcast Eternals, specialising in the despatch of ethereal enemies, notably wield some impressive weaponry – 1 holds a stormsmite maul and a soulshield, while another holds a 2-handed stormsmite maul.

You’ll also receive a starter brush, perfect for painting the Sequitors, and 6 12ml pots of Citadel paint:

Retributor Armour
Abaddon Black
Kantor Blue
Reikland Fleshshade
Rhinox Hide
Rakarth Flesh